
vietnam market

Natalie is a 24 year old food & travel blogger currently based out of Denver, Colorado. Natalie loves exploring local food markets, trying new foods and creating new recipes, and has a particular fondness for Southeast Asian cuisine. She basically lives, breathes and worships Pho, and has exceptionally high standards when it comes to choosing a good noodle soup.

Natalie has been gluten free for nearly two years, and loves modifying flour-ful recipes into things she can happily eat and share with everyone. All new recipes on this blog, as of 2014, will be gluten free, and most older recipes can be made with gluten-free substitutes. Natalie loves living a healthy, active lifestyle, and cooking has become a major aspect of that! Creating fresh, exciting foods is one of her greatest passions, and sharing these recipes with the internet has become one of her favorite past times.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. John

    Natalie, great job on on your food & cooking diary. I love all the photos. Keep up the good work and see if you can’t find Ukrainian recipes.

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